Cre8ing Victories For Yourself Podcast & Live Course Events


Ann Walker, certified in Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation, Instructor in Yoga, Dance Fitness and Self Care Retreats, firmly believes that your unique soul is sacred, and her mission is to empower you to rebel fiercely against anything holding you back from following your dreams by reviving the power of your wish with mindfulness. As a survivor of abusive trauma's, Ann is unstoppable in her mission of shattering the pattern of self-abandonment she has recognized in herself and so many others. If you're ready to make a powerful shift in choices to create and achieve the life you most desire with mindfulness. Join me to learn how to begin Cre8ing Victories For Yourself once and for all! This impactful podcast will be featured on Spotify and iHeartRadio every 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. 
I will be hosting a series of free 1hr. course events for the Setting Yourself up for Victory where you will learn about Mindfulness & Mindfulness Meditation Benefits. I will be guiding you in repairing and developing a stronger, more authentic relationship with yourself for your own inner peace as you begin your self help healing journey. When I began my true healing journey I dove right in without preparing myself of all the trauma emotions attached that would surface leaving me feeling drained, depleted and many times defeated. Gaining knowledge from getting certified in Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation, in this live event, I will give you the first steps that truly helped me gain more control over my emotions and the benefits that go along with the knowledge of Mindfulness, Meditation, Forgiveness & Gratitude. Here is a little outline of what you will be learning in this free 1 hour live event.
•The meaning of Mindfulness
•Benefits of Mindfulness
•What Mindfulness Meditation is
•The Benefits of these two dynamics working together
•The importance of Forgiveness in relation to yourself
•The importance of practicing Gratitude in relation to yourself & others
•A guided Loving, Kindness Meditation
and more.....there is some inspirational gifts and give aways to be given for your attendance!!!
Most important, it is my hope for you that you will take away a better knowledge and understanding of what you will need to be prepared in the beginning phase of your self help healing journey. Welcome to setting yourself up for success in your beginning phase of your self help healing journey.
With Love and Gratitude,
Cre8ing Victories with Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, Dance, Fitness & Self Care Retreat Community
SYUFV Free Intro Course Schedule MST
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